hrusfomalti proctology
hrusfomal proctologist
twagshen pinch (of some
ingredient, e.g., in recipes)
titanik Titanic
blaski shell
borane drop
(of liquid)
gwav jiggle,
quaver (v)
gliv split,
cleave (v)
gir enclose,
encompass, grasp (v)
giv martmouth,
sass, talk back (v)
shor nurture,
be solicitous for, nurse/doctor to health (v)
fav mesh,
interconnect, dovetail (v)
dir flay
dim tame,
break (a horse), domesticate, break in, accommodate (for, customize (v)
vrim growl
brim brim
(with [kom]; over [uver]) (v)
bir drill,
bore (into smthg.) (v)
hamun rescussitation
shovun intimidate,
cow (v)
kurun terrorize
rizun betray,
give away (a secret, a confidence) (v)
gizun [supri] gloat (v)
samun sponsor
tsenum jeopardize,
endanger, put at risk (v)
venor relieve
nurrvo mitigate, alleviate (v)
fun snore
atalsek giant,
extremely tall
atalaf titanic
(-ally), of fantastic, mythical proportions
antosek blind
glimakho lobster
petlu hare
padma lotus
fakhone periwinkle
fakhoni periwinkle
haldza alder
tekal sentence
vugal verb
pahal modifier
(adjective and adverb—a single part of speech in Vayoti)
ennal noun
ogalen acorn
egkeliz gland
itram instrumentality,
idrur intercession,
agency, mediatorship
ilur perspicuity,
insight, perceptiveness
ipram propriety,
integrity, dignity
hirshiz meekness,
humility, self-effacingness
shereven arrogance,
egoism, ambition (negative connotation)
supriz haughtiness,
turiz disingenuousness,
apov unfriendliness,
coldness, aloofness
spigram flightiness,
kum proximity,
a near/local area
spontiz spider
ozhva attraction, drawing,
semva pollution, staining,
munva projection, prominence
(e.g., rocky promontory)
kemva failing,
konvanta deployment,
exertion, putting into action
gwanva emasculation, making
unva irrigation
achtav starve
geshvala to
be of benefit, useful, helpful to (v)
kon exert,
put into force, deploy (v)
kor hail,
cheer (for someone) (v)
gwan emasculate,
make effeminate (v)
nufamtri idealize
furir [uver] well up, come to the brim (v)
ozh pull,
attract (v)
strid pet,
stroke; smooth; iron (v)
kwent'ho pity,
show mercy to, give quarter to (v)
yem pair
(with, pair up with) twin (v)
spon spin
(thread, a web) (v)
skriv sift
skuv shove
skav prop
up, support, undergird (v)
nor swoop
down (onto—itna) (v)
num assign,
allot (v)
man [ast] abide,
stay, remain, linger (v)
mun [dadis] project,
stick out
kurim burrow;
worm (into); insinuate oneself (into) (v)
kwir bungle,
botch, make a mess/debacle of (v)
kem [araf (before noun)] fail (at something;
not succeed, i.e., a failed effort, e.g. to fail a test) (v)
ash'k'vol fail
(neglect to do something, not get around to it, not make an
effort/attempt) (v)
tersik dry (-ly)
blekhsik wet
hrevsik first (-ly)
legwantrish last
sasur whenever,
any time that
dubralaf liquid
delur still
(re: time, "as of yet")
vimm still
(motionless, calm) (-ly)
frimeyyalaf peaceful
harlaf high (-ly)
revvu early
furusek mad,
crazy (-ly)
bustur once
(i.e., at one time, once upon a time, referring to a period, not an instance)
fazmid once
(one time, on one instance, just once)
lugam idol
ha'y'ma statue (sculpture)
lugu, lugur god (false)
kingeta soldier,
gwifli savage, barbarian,
uncivilized, primitive person
garaliz bowl
horna tomb
gerive grave
hulagen implication,
ramification, possible further significance
gentiz producer
fwela leaf
grassam produce
(fruit, vegetables) (n) (non-count, no plural form)
genam product,
result, outcome
gnimenta production
gnimyoti productivity
fazam time
(as in "instance," "occasion")
herftiz heir
horpiz orphan
nipasvalaf obfuscatory
tisagvalaf preliminary,
preparatory, tentative, initial (-ly)
elkosovlaf injurious,
traumatic (-ly)
ijesurlaf argumentative
brukvalaf tolerant (-ly)
romenlaf mutinous
ifruwenlaf thankful
duwomsek separate
ushushen a small
"ushu", i.e., 1.5 to 2.5 minutes
okessizlaf laudatory
atkevalaf controlling,
dominating, pushy (-ly)
efskis noble, dignified
nejenlaf intentional
rupurlaf harmful
rukurlaf terrible,
terrifying, dreadful (-ly)
malsamlaf denunciatory,
"renunciatory" (-ly)
zigizlaf triumphal,
triumphant (-ly)
zinizlaf favorable,
graciously disposed, benignant (-ly)
zimnrizlaf vengeful
nufamlaf ideal
ashtamnrizlaf introductory (-ly)
gizhdanlaf resistant
gefsizlaf decorative
gatlamlaf retaliatory
gepwolaf existential
knizvalaf conspiratory (-ly)
gosfamlaf perceptive
etminurlaf inspirational,
inspiring (-ly)
erarovlaf longing
soervalaf piercing
encharvalaf narrational,
narrative (-ly)
fillervalaf torrential
antervalaf concluding
dilazvalaf divisive
chibavvalaf admonitory,
scolding (-ly)
ingor [ineg] oppose, be against (v)
ipsor [ipos] be for, "pro" (v)
ifdav undermine,
undercut (v)
ivlan [turi] envelop, cloak, enfold (v)
idlon stroll,
take/go for a walk (v)
ilum [itar] penetrate (v)
idim derive,
extract (v)
spigir disperse,
break up and scatter, spread out and occupy (v)
ikiv allude
to, refer obliquely to (v)
igum [kom] abut
ipruv make
possible (v)
itsor promote,
advance, further (v)
arfir epitomize,
express the essence of (v)
ganiv [araf] miss the point of, fail to grasp, be oblivious to (v)
itron sponsor
suprem mentor,
take under one's wing, foster (v)
tolkam support,
khitiz companion,
close friend
khinur fellow-traveler,
traveling companion
vayoten land
of Vayoti-speakers
uvlen theater
hiksen hospital
pranken amusement
ban'yen concert
horpen orphanage
gwelen station
(radio, t.v.), transmission/broadcast site
jofen shrine
deznen school
gwofen bath (place), bathroom
swiren command
center, headquarters
bud'yen laboratory
(variant: bod'yen)
kevken observatory
magen workshop
kwerren studio (artist's)
che'y'ven dining
room, hall
charten studio
(architect's, draftsman's)
kegeven courtroom
vozen zoo
tseven cemetery, graveyard
mwinido learn,
apprehend, find out, begin to understand, gain understanding (v)
usruye teach,
be taught (v)
gosfa perceive,
sense (v)
yamumne understand,
comprehend (v)
kevok contemplate
dess concentrate
(mentally) (v)
yasuve let,
allow, permit (v)
shtum put,
place, set, lay, stand (tr.) (v)
kelser color, paint (v)
evoku bless
bwirkhi sin
nadler underappreciate,
take for granted, neglect (v)
frimer calm
down, settle down, collect oneself (v)
frimtri reconcile
a'w'tir daydream
melker milk
yukhir evaluate,
assess, sort out, come to terms with (v)
tomner [araf] embody, incarnate (v)
horfun betray,
defect, change allegiance (v)
horpov adopt
hervim inherit
pnukni defecate
genim produce
grossim thrive,
flourish (v)
hamyav sculpt,
form, mold, whittle, carve (out of something) (v)
delav engrave,
carve (into something) (v)
pulodu desecrate,
profane, defile (v)
werban prophesy (v)
anter end
(v) bind, gird (v)
melido pray
metiro develop
meniro stay,
remain (v)
memwiyo be
quiet (v)
mwinido learn
cheluma hold
cheluta cut
derami work
tinagri touch
foigwu run
chenura sing
tirafi turn
forigu smell
guode ask
(a question; query, inquire) (v)
dewasi [araf] need,
have need (of) (v)
guhone kill
henuto murder
chant; sing poetry, a saga,
story, ode (v)
gumose marry
gurome collect,
gather, congregate (v)
guyose taste
gulote slice
guwofe bathe,
wash oneself (v)
gurofe write
winsek fatal, mortal,
terminal (sickness, wound) (-ly)
yuwin young
yuwintilaf youthful
gonkis deadly
bat better
frubat best
wers worse
fruwers worst
salorr all,
only, just
slagkis weak (-ly)
walkis strong (-ly)
tankara dear,
darling (adj.)
banchish must not, it's wrong to
korven site, location of an
event under discussion or in planning; the place where it happens
wasen auditorium
rafmen (to) Colisseum
folnen planetarium
yus'yen military
base; boot/training camp
galren throne room,
monarch's court
fwilen oasis
lugmen temple (pagan,
guh'nen slaughterhouse
gwiten monastery
grofen scriptorium
kanken gallows (for execution
by hanging)
zigen public
square, town square
kazten shelter,
refuge, safe house, place of sanctuary
kar'yen torture
pedken drug
house, opium den
tergen hell,
pram'men congress,
senate, debating chamber/hall
eskhen treasury, bank
lagten bedroom,
bed chamber
pragnen auction
house, outdoor market
hignen resort, vacation spot
pramnen stage, podium, preacher's
psengala to
be averse to, find unpleasant (v)
sulk sanctify,
dedicate/consecrate to God (v)
massa sanctify,
be sanctified; grow in holiness, purity (v)
lusamtsi lousy, "loused" (e.g., de-loused)
uptatritu bricked, bricked-up
(variant: uptatsi)
zhovtsi mouthed (e.g.,
wide-mouthed bottle)
hamnriztsi skinned
(e.g., dark-skinned)
bedantatsi faithed (e.g., strong-faithed)
bedantatsi faithed (e.g., strong-faithed)
kwelmatsi hilled,
kluvlavatsi famed
yukhitsi natured
(e.g., good-natured)
gipamtsi jewelled, bejewelled
darutsi treed
(e.g., thickly-treed forest)
dwarviztsi forested,
erfovtsi wheeled
(e.g., four-wheeled)
parsutsi ribbed
dakitsetsi roomed
(e.g., a five-roomed house)
kelawiztsi faced
(e.g., shame-faced, two-faced)
fwelatsi leafed, paged (e.g., a green-leafed tree, a many-paged book)
staturtsi monied
kerdentsi hearted
(e.g., hard-hearted, kind-hearted)
gutsitsi pieced
(e.g., three-piece(d) suit, a many-pieced puzzle)
daventsi rivered
(e.g., a many-rivered country)
tilamtsi horned
metr'ziz tree
statur money
dubra liquid
furu madness,
isbur fate,
werbnur prophet
werbanta prophesy
duwur demon
wutov rage,
werriz war
alenjuz week
kaniks whose
j'sto lie
wind image
rezgiz rope,
brigen strife, conflict
beshren rain
(bes-hren) (n)
fillur downpour, very
heavy rain
feshram heel
(fes-hram) (n)
koshrov mud
vashro mistake,
error (vas-hro)
jaduryoti unity
jadurova unification,
fwesta servant
zuwal strength
(physical, emotional)
teshrov sole
(of foot) (tes-hrov)
kerden heart
yuwinti youth
yuwintyoti youthfulness
opluve cry, weep (v)
opluve cry, weep (v)
itera cross
nezhde cultivate
macha curse
dushrun dare,
venture, risk (v) (dus-hrun)
voto dedicate,
devote (v)
malsa denounce,
renounce, abjure, forswear, disown (v)
spenav [ipra] depend [on] (v)
kaneko hang
widal describe
yukwa desert,
abandon, forsake (v)
wirat destine,
foreordrain, predetermine (v)
yazune determine,
define (v)
gom devise,
concoct, dream up, contrive; lock (v)
idelzo differentiate,
distinguish, discern a difference
(between—idru) (v)
bundiha agree
masa raise,
rear, discipline, bring up (v)
fa disclose,
uncover, reveal, discover, manifest, unveil (v)
hintenti find
wirsam confuse, mix up,
befuddle, bewilder (v)
mirsam inconvenience, trouble,
cause difficulty to/for (v)
horita part,
separate (from), part with, dissent, object (v)
karedri doubt
osolka drag
ozh draw,
pull, attract (v)
kitar drop
witri wrong (; i.e.,
do wrong to them) (v)
elkoso injure,
traumatize (v)
avaya weave
huwosu wear
(e.g., clothes) (v)
zigi triumph,
exult triumphantly, be triumphant (v)
rusku withstand,
resist (v)
hwik whistle
trabed [kom] greet
ufige weigh
givzi watch
ase waste,
squander, fritter away, lose (as in "lose faith") (v)
liyona wait
litrona use
yamumne understand
guvvotsi voiced
tiliztsi pointed
(e.g., a sharp-pointed pencil)
lofurtsi flowered
hivztsi misted
keftsi headed
(e.g., a three-headed dragon)
korrlatsi throated
(e.g., a full-throated cry)
taltsetsi blossomed
isburtsi fated (e.g.,
klentsi jointed
(e.g., double-jointed)
glamtsi winged
amurtsi armed
hanturtsi fronted
kiyamtsi shored
pichtsi dotted,
kobatsi helmeted
karedrizlaf dubious, doubtful
ingorva opposition
idimva derivation,
extraction, provenance
nenerva allusion,
direct reference
igumva abutment
itsorva promotion,
advancement, furthering
arfirva epitomization
supremva mentoring
pragnentizva auctioneering
funatsva entanglement,
implication, involvement
pirikva destruction,
parshava arousal,
provocation, stimulation
kot'halava arrogance
hwintva stupefaction
aft'hava allegation,
hanafva contention,
argument, argumentation
erkhva alienation
sulkva sanctification,
dedication, consecration
massava sanctification
(moral), spiritual purification
ayarva refusal,
tavava dissolution,
hevjanva resonance
aseva squandering,
waste, forfeiting (of an opportunity)
witriva injustice,
wrong, inequity
ikivva allusion
(oblique, indirect)
jaduro unite (v)
kasenu join (v)
eskandi jump (v)
gufna [dadis] jut out, stick out, protrude (v)
budiyo study,
ponder, meditate over, examine (v)
bultiri swallow (v)
burnize assume, suppose
linkova leave (v)
litworta chase, pursue
liksota protect (v)
vog share (v)
butisa trust (v)
bundiha agree (v)
katezi shelter,
provide refuge/cover to (v)
magavvi facilitate,
coordinate, moderate, consult, help others do something better (v)
gworat depress,
dishearten, dispirit (v)
jeda usurp,
misappropriate, arrogate to oneself (v)
haraka guard
huwake [fi] accustom oneself
to, get used to (v)
hikosu heal (v)
j'sta lie,
deceive (v)
ligotsa laugh (v)
lirrola read (v)
burifo sigh (v)
gozdo measure (v)
gazni split (v)
gizlu gain the
upper hand/advantage, to be excelling/exceeding (another) (v)
gezwa strengthen (v)
gozhni rain,
wet, drench (v)
govni howl, wail
gevwe rest (v)
givzi watch (v)
gavlo endure (v)
guvru flee (v)
gizhda resist
gushwi pause (v)
gushwi pause (n)
gifwe serve (v)
gefsi decorate,
adorn (v)
gatla retaliate,
reciprocate (v)
gismo smile (v)
gepwo exist
gaknu offend, insult
godle consider (v)
gegdu fix, repair
zini favor,
grace (v)
pidav feed (v)
uviku fight (v)
peleru fill (v)
avlegu fly
ulama float (v)
eshuri flow (v)
iskevu follow (v)
pedeku forget (v)
neve free,
liberate, deliver (v)
izala fulfill
(v) (note: this is not an –ala verb)
vobo further, advance,
promote (v)
iviro grant (v)
ogrinsta grind (v)
tr'gon groan (v)
rupu harm (v)
kel hide (v)
pavu hit (v)
cheluma hold (v)
kareyu hurt
atke control
saftri illuminate
(abstractly, conceptually) (v)
glurtri illuminate
(physically, literally) (v)
efskis noble,
dignified (-ly)
prakesti implore, beg,
appeal, entreat (v)
prasuktu include (v)
pramome [itna] influence (v)
elkoso injure,
traumatize (v)
etminu inspire (v)
neje intend (v)
ovele interest
esekh keep (in
one's possession) (v)
peleyu [ik] last (go on for
a period of time) (v)
yalgute lie (down) (v)
klemi lean (v)
j'sta lie (tell
untruth) (v)
awure lift, pick up
nogezo mark,
note, notice (v)
mitan meet (v)
ta melt (v)
eraro [da] miss, pine for, long for (v)
kalyakis handsome
(generally referring to men)
santkis honest,
truth-telling, reliable, faithful, true (e.g., "he is true to me")
litsurtsi surfaced
(e.g., smooth-surfaced table)
chiztsi handed
(e.g., right-handed)
gilnutsi angled
dakhkhurtsi tongued (e.g.,
beargatsi mountained
agensurtsi islanded
ementatsi meadowed
bwefentsi bottomed
(e.g., glass-bottomed boat)
vargovtsi enemied
tomentsi bodied (e.g.,
full-bodied wine)
yer'ndtsi yeared
fosktsi windowed
woktsi eyed (e.g.,
clear-eyed view) (-ly)
hikwovtsi horsed
enzriva engagement
to marry, betrothal
nemterva hallowing,
considering holy
kamnralava, kamnrayoti egocentrism
sweva persuasion
mnatriva memorization
hakriva containment
biyelluva survival
kwispava manifestation
suwitva satiety
shtumva locating,
ascertaining of location
gwelva transmission,
conveying (information), broadcast(ing)
horfunva betrayal,
horpavva adoption
ruderva stipulation,
dlikhva activity,
occupation, engagement (not re: marriage)
low'tva arrival (lo-wət-va)
nemva confiscation,
taking away
berrva delivery,
conveyance, transportation
hapishva acceptance, endorsing, endorsement
agn'g'nova isolation, confinement, quarantine
geznva receiving,
demariz sleep (n)
burnizen assumption, supposition
henutov murder (n)
fodisur dance (n)
fogirur construction, building (action,
cheruram cooking
lirrolam reading
budiyov examination
melidov prayer
metirov development
guoden inquisition [gu-o-den]
guhonen killing
guiten chant(ing) [gu-i-ten]
gurofen writing
litronam use (n), utilization, employment
jadurov unification
liksotam protection
litwortam pursuit
iskeviz following, adherence,
usruyen teaching, education
okatur battle, fray, military
engagement, clash
avlegur flight, aviation
kiyivkir Kiev, Kyiv
kiyivkiri Kievan
preten Britain
pretenni British, Briton
yisrayelen Israel
yisrayelenni Israeli, Israelite
oslokir Oslo
oslokiri Oslo inhabitant, of Oslo
swirus'yen Belarus
swirus'yenni Belarussian
kamaren Wales
kamarenni Welsh(man)
nuyorkir New York City
nuyorkiri New Yorker, New York (adj., e.g., the
New York skyline)
londonkir London
londonkiri Londoner, London (adj., e.g., the London
night life)
norvgen Norway
norvgenni Norwegian
ibren Spain
ibrenni Spanish, Spaniard
pariskir Paris
pariskiri Parisian
chikagkir Chicago
chikagkiri Chicagoan, Chicago (adj.)
moskvakir Moscow
moskvakiri Muscovite, Muscovian; Moscow (adj.)
kaneskir Cannes
kaneskiri Cannes (adj.), inhabitant of Cannes
madridkir Madrid
madridkiri Madrid (adj.), inhabitant of Madrid
romakir Rome
romakiri Roman
berrlinkir Berlin
berrlinkiri Berliner, Berlin (adj.)
okessiz praise, lauding (n)
opluvam mourning, weeping
evokur benediction, blessing
ivirov bestowal
iteram crossing
erarov longing, pining
ishanen aging
owirstiz wrestling
ig'hoj'riz release (n) [ig-ho-jə-riz]
es'yiram anger,
ohomnen reckoning,
consideration, point of view, opinion
usolman grip,
hold (n)
ataliz maturation
erefov climbing,
a climb
igudur spilling,
a spill
eskandiz jumping,
a jump
ulamam floating,
yamumnen understanding,
givrov caution,
uzelwiz compelling,
compulsion, forcing, force (n)
ervov concealment,
awuren lifting,
elevation (act and location)
noweskov preference,
hawesiz dressing,
attiring, attirement
hintentiz finding,
a find
huwosur wearing
(of clothes)
liyonam waiting,
a wait
galenen calming,
forigur smell
(n) (the sense and also the presence of an odor)
ligotsam laughter,
(a) laugh
horitam separation
huwaken assimilation,
gettting used to smthg.
hikosur healing
pulodur, puldoyoti desecration,
defilement, profaning
burifov sighing,
a sigh
butisam trust
linkovam leaving
pedekur forgetting
prasuktur inclusion
esekhva retention,
keeping, withholding
yazunen defining,
determining, definition, determination
penedur cessation,
yanuzden descent
notelov pouring
prapiyov preparation
pragamnam performance,
execution (of a duty, assignment)
yasuven permission,
permit, permitting
peremur pointing,
wuregov pushing,
shoving, a push, a shove
nokekov attainment,
accomplishment, reaching (a goal, a destination)
naturen riding,
a ride
yah'yuten searching,
a search
nongwerov spreading,
a spread, smearing, a smear
prakestiz begging,
imploring, a plea
uvikur altercation,
a fight
pekwerur roasting,
a roast (the meat, or the occasion)
pelerur filling
petenur promulgation,
spreading, dissemination
jofeva worshipping,
worship (n)
menverva frequenting,
associating with, spending time with/at
gifweva serving,
ministry, ministering, service, church service
t'yelikva abhorrence
gagneva acknowledgement,
recognition, admission, confession
pramomer influence,
affect (n)
terfalva affliction,
k'fitava annulment,
disqualification, invalidation
frenduva responding,
answer, response, reply (n)
atarava anxiety,
worry (n)
testerva approach
kanerur ascent,
rising, ascension, mounting (in flight)
mashtava attack,
assault (n)
forisur attempt (n)
dezaniz heeding,
heed (n)
verelanta behavior,
deportment (n)
zimnriva vengeance,
revenge (n)
bwevva immersion,
ejuhan attachment
fragova obstruction
butva prohibition,
amiya [hirsh] mourn (v)
praworo obey
praguni offer,
proffer (v)
ingor oppose
heyak own
pirat participate,
take part (v)
higan pass,
spend (time), go by (v)
peva pastor,
shepherd (v)
khiznetri people,
populate (v)
pragamna perform,
carry out, commit (crime, sin), deliver (a sermon) (v)
b'vez perish,
be lost, go to waste, die (not naturally, e.g., in an accident) (v)
yasuve permit,
allow, let (v)
neye [ilu] persevere, keep on,
keep going, persist (v)
strid pet, stroke, smooth; iron (v)
soer pierce
kwent'ho show
mercy, do mercy, pity, give quarter (v)
kniz plot (v)
aruvi plow
peremu point
guwofen bath
(the event, as in "taking a bath")
pavur punch,
blow (n)
mahirov beginning,
commencement, start
mengizov belonging
(action and object)
sewirva command,
order (n)
deankur bite
(n) [de-an-kur]
ifruwen thankfulness,
thanksgiving, gratitude
ovelen interest,
involvement, excitement, gratefulness
gosfava, gosfayoti perception, sense,
mwinidov apprehension,
spark of insight/understanding
kafnava buying,
a purchase
folinur sale,
selling (the basic act, transaction)
g'halva going
falva having,
maguva, maganta doing, deed
kwerrva creation,
pevava nurture,
tending, caring for, taking care of
dova giving,
fodorur cleansing,
fervam purgation
devaliz opening
werkavva conferral,
fwermanva provision,
supply, equipment
tifariz comparison
towuva completion,
anterva finalization,
bringing an end to sthg.
kelva hiding,
concealing, concealment
mohatva inference,
extrapolation, deduction, logical conclusion
piratva, piratyoti participating,
wuregov pushing,
a push
uvikur fighting,
a fight
dessva concentrating,
concentration (mental)
yukwava distancing,
emotional distance, being aloof
ataliz maturation,
maturing, maturity
piranva exploring,
arunov grieving,
utwagnov pinching,
a pinch
uzelwiz compelling,
eskutur taunting,
ijimfiz burial
ugoshen hesitating,
ukesham adhering,
fillerva downpour
of rain
dilazva dividing,
idelzov distinguishing,
differentiating, differentiation
vishabva visit,
visiting, visitation
fikalva thrashing,
chibavva admonishing,
admonishment, rebuke
jifamva invitation
nipasva, nipasyoti obfuscating,
panam fabric,
material, cloth
notelo pour
okessi praise
nowesko prefer
prapiyo prepare,
get ready, make ready (v)
ashtamnri present, introduce (v)
liksota protect
nokseno pull
wurego push
awure raise
nokeko reach,
attain (v)
avzbit realize,
understand, come to see, apprehend (mentally) (v)
masa raise,
(children), rear, train, discipline (not in the sense "punish") (v)
romne rebel
enchar recite,
recount, narrate, declaim, perform a reading (v)
enlata reflect
pedav feed
uviku fight
petenu spread
(news, a blanket, etc.) (v)
nomesso seek,
look for (v)
nogezo mark,
note (v)
gaza treasure
ayar [apo] refuse, turn down (v)
aslegn [apo] relent, slacken, abate, ease off (v)
kenn'vim renew, make
new (v)
gevwe rest (v)
maha resurrect (v)
riwaf get rid of,
shuck (v)
shatsel rip, tear (v)
netse sacrifice
slak seize, take hold of (v)
gravo grasp, clutch,
grasp at (v)
gal shout, yell, call out (v)
bednu seethe, boil
hirap snatch (v)
fnamer sneeze (v)
awise soar (v)
igudu spill (v)
mahiro start (v)
zikhi [uver] stimulate, energize, galvanize, perk up (v)
vokso struggle (v)
pati [supri] master, overcome, subdue (v)
ruku terrify (v)
grossim thrive,
flourish (v)
binan tie (v)
butisa [da] trust (v)
tirafi turn (v)
atorko twist
apolo feel (by
touch), handle (v)
owirsti wrestle (v)
vret portend, augur, foreshadow,
prefigure (v)
hobritri enslave (v)
mohat [idral] infer, extrapolate, deduce (v)
slivim turn blue-ish (v)
usolma grip (v)
kilt strike (with a weapon or as a
weapon) (v)
okatu wage battle,
combat (v)
purper fart (v)
swiru grab (v)
efskis noble,
dignified (-ly)
gepkis lazy (-ly)
swordkis black,
swarthy, dark (eyes, skin, hair)
mel mis- (e.g., mis-interpret,
mis-understand) [before verb], wrong [following noun+ste]
avz bright (-ly)
no'w'nef immediate
kenkis new (-ly)
(most general sense)
nev'ye new, brand
new, novel, "out of the blue"
alen'ye new
("replacing the old")
mi, mis not (as in "Not I!",
"It's green, not blue")
tsevtu dead
miy't gentle,
mild (-ly) [mi-yət]
slivi bluish
(e.g., snow, black hair, cold fingers, lips, etc.)