Thursday, June 28, 2018

Dictionary 8

guwofnen       bathroom
gu'f 'nov         bathtub (3 syllables)
folniriz           sale (discounted prices)
aknashpov     senna sophera
k'smar'yaf      Malay beechwood, Kashmir tree (Gmelina arborea)
tsatkur           balcony
ch'lok'shen    follicle
karlov           osprey
karkla           bdellium
piloskov        rant, raving (n)
destmen        powder (n)
destmin         powder (v)
enkorsko       wasp
dechkiz          salve (n)
dechkuz         salve (v)
jabapam         fete, lavish, opulent banquet
gurs'wov        stool (feces)
chav'r'sur       league (distance of 3 miles)
uspag             lick (v)
ezdag             parch (v)
eslot               press (v)
ognuf             punish (v)
asrib              raid (v)
ovnot             rock, sway (v)
ofsib               ride (v)
iknuf              shake (v)
osnep             stir (w/spoon) (v)
agdot             get lost, stray, err (v)
usmuf            splash, spatter, splatter (v)
uzhdep          sprinkle (v)
ter'p'pwa        trample (v)
afkherin         sing a dirge, lament (v)
upnot             sneer (v)
esfib               sweep (v)
itrep               wave (v)
ifnag               hover, float (v)
amnruf          fade (v)
ispot               pluck (v)
yostri              zone (v)
telep               drain (v)
d'vasi              kindle (v)
smerrnwa     grease (n)
yos                zone (n)
tinnen            dung
tiresk'shiz      heretic
tiresk'shen     heresy
d'vasiz           kindling (wood or other material)
afkheren        dirge, sung lament
eventriz         infancy, infanthood
shentriz         sonship
hegtriz           daughterhood
vedetriz          husbandhood
maretriz         wifehood
vretriz           manhood
gwevretriz     womanhood
bretriz            brotherhood, fraternity
shwetriz         sisterhood, sorority
vripnetriz       boyhood
gwivnetriz      girlhood
edwetriz         godhood, deity, divinity
hobretriz        slavehood
herptriz          orphanhood
horzetriz         king/queen-ship
f'tatriz            childhood
alsntriz           parenthood
p'rretriz          leadership, "leader-hood"
kingetriz         soldierhood
fwet'triz         servanthood
wentriz           maidenhood, virginity
s'deks'triz      emperor-ship
deremtriz      workerhood
char'kh'sur    fragment (n)
trogo               weevil
udwe'y'           down (of a bird)
nakule            mongoose
asnaki             swim (w/ref. to forms of competitive swimming; .e.g, "freestyle swim")
neshyoti         spell (magical, evil) (n)
nigrot             banyan tree
nakh'wam      cadaver
panit               molasses
pansov           fiber
p'tuhan           porthole
taren              seal (official, securing)
tireskshenlaf      heretical (-ly)
afkherenlaf    funereal, dirge-like, mournful (-ly)
tre'y'khenlaf        perplexing, mystifying, puzzling (-ly)
tra'y'wasek     agitating, provking (-ly)
char'kh'surlaf       fragmental
nano…nonk….     on the one hand…on the other….
un'nusek        threatening (-ly)
un'nur           threat (3 syllables)

stachakyoti    restoration

sh'khodmen  shoot (vegetable seedling)

hemtu            white water lily

hot'to              fissure, crevice           (3 syllables)

tre'y'khen      conundrum, perplexity, puzzle, mystery

tra'y'va            agitation

dromen          shudder (n)
tre'y'khin       perplex, puzzle, mystify
tra'y'wa           agitate (lit. and fig.) (v)
char'kh'sir      fragment (v)
dromin           shudder (v)
asnakin          swim (competitively) (v)
eknit              dismantle; strike (a theater set) (v)
gwahir            brand, impress your mark on (v)
kaltin              brace, harden, steel (oneself) (v)
kambzala       to be drugged, "high"
pentam          dam (n)
ifstaniz           breast (n)
prost'yeka      chest (anat.)
spik                 nipple
piyit                bile
bilam              cavity (dental)
balati              petal (botan.)
vislma           chaff (n)
bish                 anise
pokov             shoulder (n)
persnen         thigh
pershen         calf
pin'k'tam        barrier
sprugov          frog
pwelen           raft
blerov            flute (n)
prustakam     constipation
kannbiz          cannibis, marijuana
kampsi           hemp
imsharyoti     restriction
shullen           holly (botan.)
kemsekyoti    candidness
kherznekyoti     wimpiness
rinksekyoti     skillfulness
feyaltsiyoti     spiritedness
ivzlafyoti        iciness
igenamkisyoti    remoteness
gwari              brand (on an animal, or a product/producer name) (n)
achakva         treatment (of patient, illness, wound)
gwahakris     brand (attributive modifier, e.g., "brand name")
kaltinsek        bracing, fortifying (-ly)
k'napzalaf       high-inducing, narcotic (adj.)
imsharsek     restrictive, restricting (-ly)
stachaksek    restorative (-ly)
kemsek          candid (-ly)
enpavkis        ripe (-ly)
past                 perfectivizing participle, conveying "thoroughly, up, away, out" as in "finish up, sweep up"; placed after a verb it eliminates the need for a verbal suffix (e.g., -zho, -zhu, etc.).
pavin              ripen (v)
pentama         dam, dam up (v)
bakra             throng, crowd, pack, jam (v)
plesu               launch (v)
eplechu          ambush (v)
prustak          constipate (v)
mikhtsaral     disinfectant
biyeltiz            survivor
izgatsin           sully, besmirch (a name, reputation) (v)
hiyersala        to be subservient, obsequious, fawning, craven
hamtro          mow (v)
mak'nan         wobble (v)
imlaskin        repress, restrain, suppress (feelings, emotions, opinion)
minviz           faint, swoon (v)
m'loli              dispute (v)
yitvu               whip, flail (v)
aschur           restaurant
pelchur          ambush (n)
charkhisranta    fragmentation
machur          fist
misha             broth
lemov             knuckle
hiyaten           methane
yap                  millet
worru             boil, pustule
ivorru             pimple
i'y'ru               callous (n)
u'y'ren            reef
yorben            orb
yaskru            fleece (n)
yetov             whip, flail (n)
umantiz         avarice
umantizlaf     avaricious (-ly)
ivorrutsi         calloused (-ly)
mak'nansek   wobbly
ursminsek     absent (-ly)
hamtrur        lawnmower
m'loliz            dispute (n)
khalutsiz        exile, banishment (n)
ursmin           absent, remove oneself; withdraw, retire (v)
ranku             dangle (v)
wisesor          poison (v)
khalutsi          banish, exile (v)
imlaskinva    regression, restraint, suppression (of feelings, emotion, opinion) (n)
minzov           faint (i.e., a fainting spell) (n)
lekhdam        miss (i.e., a failed attempt to hit something) (n)
warur             sand (n)
worken           necklace (n)
varken           garland
vergov            bracelet
lakhen           riverbed
leknen          valley
arrdeken       juggernaut
wiseso           poison (n)
atshiv             fast (v)
rumtri           fatten (v)
pidol               flatter (v)
kusuk             fold (v)
fusuf [turi]    frame (v)
uzdun            frustrate (v)
kashon           function, operate (v)
kayi                 gasp (v)
tsoliv              glide (v)
ash'n'vid        glimpse (v)
gizun              gloat (v)
knarg              gnaw (v)
potikam         gossip (v)
alts'kh'vor      graze, pasture (v)
uvr'mor         grumble, murmur (v)
rupu               harm (v)
hafdrum        hire (v)
sfishum [dadis]  hiss (v)
kuzdir [kom]      hoard (v)
atash              hunger (v)
tirfog              ignore (v)
efim                imagine (v)
kutwari           imprison (v)
khet'sriv        infect (v)
zhotrob [ilu]   infiltrate (v)
skarshken      affliction, persecution
samsrur        inducement, persuasion
krititsiz           criticism
sarugur          refusal
harsur            defense
harpkilyoti     defiance
t'rishov          delay
malorrva       demand, requirement (n)
forogva          destruction
e'y'striz          negation, denial, disagreement
tigalva            exhumation
purunku         deprivation
guwen            deterrence
huava             disappearance (hu-a-va)
kamvidam     discussion, examination
numva           allotment, apportionment, assignment, distribution
sk'rafayimva      drawing (the act of drawing a picture)
sk'rafayam     drawing (the picture that has been drawn)
fid'j'sten         visit, visitation
vuzhdirva      urination
galekh'huva   justification, vindication
fwetov                pleasure (n)
prankoti          amusement, entertainment, fun
t'rekt'sk'pram    repentance
satnakalava   satisfaction
istnen             gratification
seladur          campaign, cause, crusade; valiant, heroic stand/effort
sadviz             accident (attribute or circumstance not essential to the nature of something)
sadapru          incident
glodkis           unkempt, shabby, ill-kept, ill-maintained (-ly)
edverkis         fateful, signal, defining (-ly)
wisessek        poisonous (-ly)
warursek       sandy
sadaprusek    incidental (-ly)