chi'y'vlur aspect
fwejur suffix
soruwiz loot,
booty, spoils
kintram chintz
kitraskop kaleidoscope
sh'liyam slime
veshlanov oblivion,
nothingness, obscurity, disregard, nullity
ushprega freckle
t'mapen tapestry
tam'f'ta taffeta
tas'p'nam carpet
tumpayakht rack
(instr. of torture)
aragrigiz rapidity
chi'y'vurlaf aspectual
chi'g'vorsek according
chi'g'vorsek kom according to
kitraskoplaf kaleidoscopic
sh'liyamlaf slimy
ganivsek oblivious, unaware, heedless, unsuspecting (ly)
tarastayu [araf] consist (v)
ch'shtum attend
apnakek accord,
afford, render, vouchsafe, cede, impart, furnish, purvey
chi'g'vor [kom] accord, correspond, tally, be consistent with, square with, jibe
sh'numzn lots
(as in "draw/cast lots")
ganta glove
gantelen gauntlet, armored glove
gatlopen gauntlet,
gantlet ("run the...")
gibaru dribble,
drool (n)
wikisna sour
matit'yov stonemason
papta paw
salosek sallow, dirty yellow
futam nozzle
esleham pussy