Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Dictionary 10

ushtbala         reel, stagger (v) (-ala verb)
ejkhur             machine
urtsur            beam (of light)
ej'kh'fov         automobile, car
ib'ch'pen        obsequiousness
ok'st'bam       valor
ap'sk'dur        prudence
ud'ts'giz          snicker (n)
urtsu              beam (light) (v)
udtsegzi         snicker (v)
egis'ya           satirize (v)
ts'wezdihor    dissect (v) (lit. or fig.)
levalnu           profiteer, exploit financially, "soak" (v)
apanot            subsume (v)
uspeda           divorce (v) (marital sense only)
estigri             lance (v)
egis'yam        satire
olodio            farce
em'yurchoti    fecundity
steven           grape cluster
estigriz           lance (n)
olodilaf           farcical (-ly)
imashar         restrict (v)
rekhim           reward (v)
mitkeyi           roam, wander (v)
khaw'r           roar (v)
wularov         roll (v)
sevzir            regret, rue (v)
ish'ch'tro        demean, belittle (v)
ashchitr         scoff (v)
k'fazge           scoop (v)
akarr             scorch (v)
od                  scorn, despise (v)
rewerst          scrape, abrade (v)
ikhraya           scream (v)
tarin               seal (v)
b'namo           settle (v) (in a place to live)
ozhlir              shatter, smash (v)
avusk            shed (v)
shista             shoot, launch, fire (v)
regil               snow (v)
miv                 shrivel, wither (v)
vosho            silence (v)
imnisk           slander, libel, defame (v)
ap'sk'durlaf    prudent (-ly)
ok'st'bamlaf   valorous, valiant (-ly)
ib'ch'penlaf    obsequious (-ly)
heta                ratify (v)
Colloquialism: sif jon! Literally, "that [is] a!", conveying something like "It sure is!", "You can say that again!", "You said it!", "You hit the nail on the head!"
em'yurtsek    fecund, fast-breeding, prodigiously reproductive (-ly)
chiritslaf        sequential (-ly)
kilben             contribution
kulivur           nape (of neck)
anov               ring (all sense)
bogliz             stampede (n)
chirits            sequence (n)
piyertam        retail (n)
piyertov          retailer
piyertamlaf    retail (adj)
piress             accelerate, pick up speed, expedite, hasten (v)
ts'yetri            pacify, quiet(en), still, subdue (v)
piressen         acceleration, hastening, expediting
amlokis          tart (-ly)
teshkis           toxic (-ly)
krevakis         raw (-ly)
nastam          homecoming
nast'ma          kith and kin, the home hearth
tragnov          trout
welkiz             helix
welten           wallet
kil'b'na            contribute (v)
slugo              unite (to accomplish sth.), pull together, combine/join forces (v)
anovo             encircle, ring (v)
bogil               run/scramble away in panic, en masse, stampede (v)
nastama         come home (v)
welol              wallow (v)
mwirot           rub out, delete (v)
kwipak           digest (v)
erslek             leak (v)
triyep              rub (v)
kretur             reed
krapov           roof (n)
mwirotva       deletion
kwipakva       digestion

mazdov         rod
tibur               peat, turf (for fuel)
ch'vriz           turf (grassy ground; fig., territory)
makshi           poppy
mak'sh'yov    poppy seed
mekh'n'trakis    wanton, brazen, flagrant (-ly)
derkorud       cast an evil spell upon (takes direct object) (v)

mekh'n'tala    to be wanton, brazen, flagrant 
ansam            sword
ne'yl'ti             asphyxiate, strangle, choke (v)

Monday, October 29, 2018

Important Guidelines on Vayoti Pronunciation

The sound of the Vayoti language has been described as somewhere in the middle of a spectrum between Armenian and Hindi, with a subtle flavoring of Italian.

Vayoti quite freely and expressively aspirates its consonants, similarly to Armenian, English and, in some ways, the Irish language. A consonant may be even more forcefully aspirated for semantic emphasis. 

Every Vayoti word contains a primary stress, in the form of an "uptick" in pitch (like in English). This, and the language's complete lack of diphthongs, would incline the language to a staccato, machine-gun-like delivery, something Hindi-like or Spanish-like. This is modified, however, by the language's insistence on subtly elongating syllables concluding in voiced consonants, most especially final consonants ending in -v, -m, -z, -n, -r. (Where the elongated syllable is not the primary stress, it is effectively a seconday stress.) It is this elongating affect of the voiced consonants that "slows down" the language and adds that faint suggestion of "Italian" melody.

The letters "tl" and "kl" are somewhat reminiscent to the Welsh pronunciation of "ll." 

Monday, July 23, 2018

Genesis 1:1-5

1. isa  to  kefur  edwo  zhun  kwerrzho  tots  rimzn  zhef  to  hizhamen
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 

2. avor, to  hizhamen  fwi  ban  dweli  zhef  venkis,  droyoti  fwi  supri  to  dovksa  litsur,  zhef  edwoksa  feyal  shan  gelomzhi  supri  to  widur
Now, the earth was without form and empty, darkness was over the deep's surface, and the Spirit of God was hovering above the water. 

3. zhef  edwo  zhun  spelzhi  gdi,  hiye  fa'y'lis,  zhef  ye  zhun  fa'y'lis.  
And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. 

4. edwo  zhun  widzhi  to  fa'y'lis  fwi  bel, zhef  di  zhun  duwomzho  to  fa'y'lis  id  to  droyoti. 
God saw the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 

5. edwo  zhun  spelzho  to  fa'y'lis  d'yun  zhef  to  droyoti  di zhun  spelzho  nesht.  zhef  ye zhun  dov'yun,  zhef  ye zhun  fajun -- bus d'yun. 
God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. And there was evening, and there was morning--one day. 

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Dictionary 9

jisterf [itna]    inflict, bring upon, impose
agens             inform (i.e., constitute from within)
ognens           inform (i.e., let know)
uvalens          inspect, investigate, look into
s'kha'y'mitr    intercede
asridu             meddle, interfere
zh'ventri        introduce (people to each other; sth. into sth.)
sultspir          invade
varakmin       invent
ats'tra             irritate
deltsir            side with, stand up for (requires no prepostion)
kwe'y'min       imitate
num                assign, allot, apportion, distribute, pass out (sth.)
pechtri           put up a façade (lit. or fig.)
galnem [nizi; ast]     kneel ("nizi" conveys "kneel down"; "ast" conveys "in a kneeling position")
lekhem           lay, put down
av'waplog      lament, bewail, bemoan
ravon [vekh] lose (misplace sth.)
vitsir              lose (in competition)
nizsi                lower (v)
marago          march (v)
mursun          miss (fail to be present at)
lekh'dem        miss (fail to hit a target, goal)
vamnra          mention (v)
spelukh          mock, ridicule
misere           neglect, ignore
seluv              nourish
karemnru      object (v)
ek't'yens         occupy, take up (a place, role)
u'br'gwer       oppress
ukh'k'ru          overcome, overpower
manzhizi        overthrow
pakpak           pack (i.e., a suitcase) (v)
b'tsak             pay (v)
evnun            pamper, indulge, spoil, baby (v)
panik              panic (v)
hakha [ilu]    pant (v)
pendhag         paralyze
ikti                  perch (v)
dantri             perfect, bring to perfection (v)
hiktrin [idru]    perplex, mystify, bewilder, confuse
el'y'dim          pervert, distort, warp (v)
kulket           pile, pile up, accumulate (lit. and fig.)
hakhton         twist (v)

yerkhtor         distort (v)

sa's'ret           swirl, twirl (v)

kossva           organizing (-ation), arranging (-ment), providing (-ision)

e'y'sirva        negating (-tion), cancelling (-ation), annulling (-ment)

geshiv           beat (defeat in competition, battle) (v)

l'kalava           happiness

gant'knen      joyful, deep fulfillment
atshivov         fasting, a fast
kashen           function, operation
klozrimva      submission (i.e., subjection)
atsha              hunger
tirfogyoti        ignorance
efmiz              imagination
khet'sr'vanta  infection
zhotrobva      infiltration
jisterfva         infliction, imposition
ognensva       information, informing
uvalensva      inspection, investigation
idrurva          intercession
asriduva         interference, meddling
zh'ventriva    introduction
sultspiz          invasion
varakmen      invention
 ats'tram        irritation, annoyance
mirkwov        mare
pirkwov          stallion
pechu             façade, front wall (lit. and fig.)
edrov             base, support, anchor (lit. and fig.)
shlegva          dismissal, dispatching, sending off
ash'k'lov         failure
koshchanta    hindrance, impediment
paplan            plan, make a plan, plans (v)
l'medasor      plunder, loot, pillage, despoil, depradate (v)
nestal             polish, shine (v)
borazmin       train, instruct (v)
hatr'mon        preserve, keep, safeguard (v)
mikbala          to be presumptuous, haughty, arrogant
lo'y'dor           pretend, fake, feign (v)
pwistum         prod, nudge, poke (v)
pel'yun           prolong (v)
asramo           prove (v)
gwarrdal        propitiate (v)
nadovil           prosper, get on well, flourish, thrive (v)
pinafsji           prowl (v)
b'ruchi            quarrel, spat (v)
nilav               radiate, exude, give off (v)
piloskvo          rage, rave, rant (v)
afs'k'bim        ransom (v)
tsikulo            ravage, devastate, wreck, ruin (v)
astatri            realize, effectuate, make real (v)
pult'yan          tempt (v)
tevul               thaw (v)
huvor             thirst (v)
un'nu              threaten
michka           thwart, foil
bruk [kom]     tolerate, put up with (v)
kayakht         torture, torment (v)
pokh'gu          trade, exhange, switch (v)
memeyit        transfer, pass on
jerrtaro          trap (v)
achak             treat, tend to (a wound, a patient)
sep'ch'to         treat, act toward, relate to, deal with, handle (a person)
mantseto       cope, deal with, handle, manage (a problem, a situation)
eddar              anchor, steady, fix (in a position), hold sth steady (v)
botsweg         value, appreciate, esteem (v)
balal               redeem, buy out, ransom
puvir              stress, emphasize, accentuate
d'rank           stress, cause stress (v)
aktsentri        accentify, add flavor, nuance
kuptovlaf       magical (-ly)
klozrimsek    submissive (-ly)
kwe'y'minsek    imitation (adj.)
odsek             scornful (-ly)
odomagam    contemptible (-ly)
unketavsek    successful (-ly)
aknensek       suspicious (-ly)
aknent           suspect (adj.)
d'vekis            subsequent, ensuing (-ly)
serits              straight
pelugur          fledgeling
bazjam           berry
geram           crane (bird)
gerbzham      cranberry
kossyoti         organization (i.e., company, firm, corporation, entity(
kuptovlafyoti     magicalness
klozrimsekyoti   submissiveness
odsekyoti       scornfulness
unketavsekyoti   successfulness
aknensekyoti   suspiciousness
k'nomo           leg (n)
ogba               gooseberry
ogoma            red currant
teshliz           lock of hair
gdeyam          stare (n)
as'hiro            swimming pool (as-hi-ro)
sayiz               sludge (n)
seritsyoti        straightness
yagwur           liver
aknentov       suspect (n)
b'de'y'miv       stir, begin to move (v)
arkum            store, stock up (v)
seridru           straighten, align
epsant  [idral]    stretch (v)
rabzo [ites, iteste]    strive, work toward
klozrim          submit (oneself to)
hevantb         subside, wane, decline, give out
alseju              substitute (v)
unketav          succeed
f'shuri [isa]    suck (v)
s'femnra         support, sustain (v)
en'yid             surge (v)
geshvut          trounce, defeat humiliatingly
ja'gw'rog        surpass, exceed
paltaron         surrender, exceed (v)
aknens          suspect (v)
arrwavir         sustain, maintain, hold (a thought, a phone call)
uvlafem         swarm (v)
s'drots [dadis]   sweat (v)
kuptov            magic
perknam        shin
persham        forearm
amnr'gli         wrist
kwe'y'minva   imitation (n)
odov               scorn (n)
reform           reform (n)
unketov         success
aslap               recoil (n)
kawensyoti    recruitment
efsako             reap, harvest (v)
semalgnir      reason, rationalize (v)
avid                assure, reassure, put s.one's mind at rest
nev'yori          recede, withdraw, pull back, retreat
aslap               recoil (v)
wesuknep      recover, recuperate, get better
reformi           reform (v)
tselnir [apo] refrain, abstain, hold back from
parshku          refute, disprove (an argument)
t'rekwer [ik]  deny, renounce (s.one, a practice, a creed)
srig                  deny, reject, refute (an accusation, a charge)
sirinu              regard, consider, "view" (abstract) (v)
a'y'mnruv      remind (v)
mal'dwad      report (v)
falsejo            require, necessitate
pihala             to be offended, resent
yegkator        reserve, order, book (a room, a meal, a ticket) (v)
yungesso        react, respond
stachak          restore (v)
eksenriv        restrain, hold back
imashri          dictate (v)
hevuwa          disappear, vanish
kamvid [da]  discuss, examine, talk over
shleg               dismiss, dispatch
wimtrar         dream (during sleep) (v)
virkuri            wind, wind up (e.g., a watch) (v)
klikli               whisper (v)
fid'j'stun         visit (v)
vuzhdir          urinate
dagtsakh       joke (v)
galekh'hu       justify, vindicate
fwetuv           please (v)
laksi               cheer, cheer up
prantri            amuse, entertain
izdan               gratify
gavtri             thrill, excite
hift                  lunge (n)
chigrenur       crater
kh'so               bit (for horse's mouth)
itrepva           wave, waving (of the hand or object)
esfibva           sweep, sweeping (n)
uspagva         lick, licking (n)
bosswinva     exposure, subjection (e.g., to the elements or by news media)
duniz              din, cacaphony
st'rekniz         limit (n)
st'reknizva     limiting, limitation (i.e., as an act) (n)
st'reknanta    limitation (i.e., as barrier, impediment, end-point or degree) 
d'gifnorsek    stinky (-ly)
solkshis          dirty (-ly) (irregular ending)
char'kh'surlaf     fragmentary (-ly)
manwakis      humanoid, human-like
s'losur           always
gashfur          everywhere
st'rekn'sek     limiting (-ly)
nestku           snort (n)
nestik             snort (v)
salk'sh'dur     stain (n)
dridakh          remove, take off, take away
regaya            moisten
solkshtur       dirt
arbi                 gulp (v)
arbiz               gulp (n)
d'gifnur          stink (n)
deshiro          slaughter, massacre, butcher (a populace)
t'zarit              slaughter, butcher (animals for meat)
sh'lanha         slip (on sthg slippery)
la'yit                slide (along a surface)
galdell             smooth (v)
guhuro           sob (v)
solkshti          soil, dirty (v)
alins [idru]    sort (v)
gosh'yo           spend, expend, use up
tsolyuv          glide (in air, along a surface [intentionally]; [fig.] sail through [like a test]) (v)
gekh'ye           squander, waste, "blow"
skizhnu         stab (v)
t'yagum          swell (v)
salk'shad       stain (v)
we'y'trib         stalk, "tail" (v)
gdeya              stare (v)
ag'ya'gav        gaze (contemplatively, adoringly) (v)
s'nakri            starve
afwidr            submerge, immerse, steep
utsa                 step, take a step
avetem           still, calm down, quiet down (v)
d'gifnor          stink (v)
pelugo            fledge (v)
tsugashi         adhere (lit. and fig.)
tsugashiva     adherence (lit. and fig.)
knokop          kick (v)
st'rokni           limit (v)
herji                overflow (v)
chergan          complicate, muddle, confuse, convolute
rekhunno      pity, feel pity toward
ud'khu           rehearse, practice (arts, sports)
akrimnra       protest (v)
kawens          recruit (v)
drawel           transform
eftoha             deal, trade in, do business, traffic in
imtere            set free, release, let go (a wild animal to its natural habitat)
lab                   lap, lap up
fsalkun           stone (v)
bosswin [ik]  subject, expose, put one(self) through
hifto                lunge (v)
gayik              rebuke, reprimand, reproach
nilutri             reduce, lessen
siyelkis           firm (-ly)
skalnu           bicker (v)
s'vedan          exhale
shin'yuv         depress (emotionally, psychologically)
suman            trickle (v)
dezhon          evaporate
denje              arise, get up, stand up
tenek              raise, lift
knokop          kick (n)
herja              overflow (n)
worrdzov      retinue, company, contingent of people
wo'y'bov         banner
keriyen           wax (n)
sherayen        honeycomb
salipur           ointment
ashmen          axle
ensyudru       sinew
spikhwen       crutch
simara           motive, motivating factor
surrmi           cataract (in eye)
semitov          ladle
sh'rowe          catch, capture (v)
ruswer           wipe (v)
jimpesk         dip (v)
ubado             submit, turn in, hand in (v)
helshad          knock down (a person) (v)
ogwur            ox (male)
ugsur             ox (female)
chelp'nav       silver, (cover, plate with silver) (v)
ubadzam        valet