ik tan usruyu manksala sela jon skurur id segno ste nikhlaf.
(ik=regarding, concerning, as for; usruyu=teacher; manksala=to lack; sela=even; skurur=spark; id=from; segno=conscience; nikhlaf=human)
300. Love is a many-splendored thing.
prigarva bwi jon rudur manga ste shirrotsi.
(rudur=thing; manga=many/much; shirrotsi=splendored [from noun shirro=splendor)
301. The holy God will have a holy people who are holy.
to edwo ste nemtis kapo jon lukta ste sulktis gu bwi masskis.
(nemtis=holy, in the sense of ultimate, unapproachable divinity; kapo=will have; sulktis=holy, i.e., by association with the divine, belonging to God; masskis=holy, in the sense of moral purity)
302. Only a holy man can touch the holy things that are holy God's.
salshn jon nikh ste masskis m'gla ste tinagri tots rudurzn ste sulktis gu edwoksa ste nemtis.
(salshn=only; tinagri=touch)
303. Terror is not a thing. rukur mi rudur.
304. His sacrifice, our deliverance. dlu netsen, plu neven.
305. No perseverance, no victory. ban neyen, ban zigiz.
(ban=without, no; neyen=perseverance; zigiz=victory)
306. Where (there is) favor, there (is) energizing.
fur ziniz, tir zikhiz.
(ziniz=favor; zikhiz=energizing)
307. Your curse, his attack. klu macham, dlu mashtam.
(The sense of this proverb is, if you speak ill of someone, you invite retribution; macham=curse; mashtam=attack)
308. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
isa to ennam gu to pitra, shuntra, feyalksa ste nemtis.
309. the Holy Trinity to dusjur ste nemtis
310. I love the coffee Taster's Choice.
bo amazho to kave guyosuksa japfonta.
(kave=coffee; japfonta=choice)
311. All this idealizing is very harmful!
salorr sif nufamtriva bwi rupurlaf menk!
(nufamtriva=idealizing; rupurlaf=harmful)
312. In the name of the living God, His holy Son, and the Spirit of truth.
isa to ennam gu edwo ste gwevzhi, dlu shuntra ste nemtis, zhef to fru feyalksa.
(Grammatical note: gwevzhi means "lives", but with the adjectival marker before it, it becomes the adjectival "living" ["who lives" would be "gu gwevzhi"]; also, in this sentence there are three possessive nouns in a row, as "the name" is God's, the Son's, and the Spirit's, but note that the possessive ending -ksa is attached only the the last noun in this series; also, note that the noun fru (truth) is placed before feyal(ksa)--literally, this phrase is "truth Spirit", which is an idiomatic way of expressing "Spirit of truth")
313. God lives edwo gwevzhi
the God who lives to edwo gu gwevzhi
the living God to edwo ste gwevzhi
the God of life to gwevantaksa edwo ("the life's God")
314. my only son mo shuntra ste bustrisk
(bustrisk=only, in the sense "singular, unique")
315. I know only one man who has the only jewel.
bo gnozho sal'shn bus vretra gu fal to gipam ste bustrisk.
316. I require all your exertion.
bo malorrzho salorr klu konvanta.
(malorr=require; konvanta=exertion)
317. That was a very fortuitous bon mot you said.
taf fwi jon g'hemal ste g'helaf ka spelzho.
(g'hemal=bon mot, apt pronouncement; g'helaf=fortuitous)
318. I am gratified you sided with him.
bo izdantu ka zhun deltsirzho dri.
(izdantu=gratified; deltsir=to side with, stand up for (takes direct object, with no preposition)
319. I want a very diligent, conscientious and hard-working worker.
bo votelzhi jon deramu ste yukr'dov'laf segnekis kardrumsek menk.
(deramu=worker; yukr'dov'laf=diligent; segnekis=conscientious; kardrumsek=hard-working)
320. This benefits me. sif geshvala bro.
(geshvala=to be beneficial)
321. He is a bully! di bwi jon skarshken.
322. This is a big possibility. sif jon pegijoti ste mekris.
(pegijoti=possibility; mekris=big)
323. The tornado took my house away. (took away)
to imrikhmen zhun nem vekh blu tumft.
(imrikhmen=tornado; vekh=away)
324. There will be a big feast (meal) at the (religious) feast.
ye zwe jon wilo ste mekris ast to tesasha.
(wilo=feast, banquet, grand meal/dinner; ast=at; tesasha=religious feast, feast day, holy day, festival)
325. Please take a seat, your ladyship.
telbel hapish jon askhen, klu gashnetriz.
(askhen=seat; gashnetriz=ladyship)
326. They have imprisoned Havdr!
ti zhun kutwarizho havdr!
(kutwari=to imprison)
327. They did (on their own authority)? tisndi zhun?
328. Yes, they. yima, tisndi.
329. You are an enchanting dancer. You dance so boldly!
ka bwi jon fodisi ste sh'kris. ka fodisu wurkis so.
(fodisi=dancer; sh'kris=enchanting; fodisu=to dance; wurkis=bold[ly])
330. I couldn't not tear up as he was recounting how Skur Finjovan helped him to break in his horse.
bo-n ea zhun m'gla banste ochir t'rur di shan dolzho kits skur finjovan zhun chakzho dri ste dim dlu hikwov.
(ochir=to tear up [with tears]; t'rur=as, while; chak=to help; dim=to break in; hikwov=horse)
331. I believe his repentance is only a facade.
bo bedazhi dlu t'rekt'sk'pram bwi sal'shn jon pechu.
(t'rekt'sk'pram=repentance; pechu=facade)
332. He summoned me. di zhun kazhdelem itna bro.
(kazhdelem [+ itna]=to summon)
333. I am averse to Shul Ivfilus because he is very annoying.
bwib pseneglaf menk ik shul ivfilus gar di bwi ats'trasek menk.
(pseneglaf=averse, disinclined; ats'trasek=annoying)
334. I warned Koss Tubaman about my foreboding that his hubris would cause (will cause) pain and misfortune, but he told me not to worry.
bo zhun ashruvzho koss tubaman da blu imkhlu gu dlu imdrigen swi astatrizho shten zhef wam, gela di zhun dolzho bro banste atara.
(ashruv=to warn; imkhlu=foreboding; imdrigen=hubris; astatri=to cause; shten=pain; wam=misfortune; atara=to worry)
335. The Israelite enslavement lasted 400 years.
to yisraeleni hobritriva zhun peleyuzhi fizzus yer'ndzn.
(yisraeleni=Israelite; hobritriva=enslavement; peleyu=to last; fizzus=400; yer'nd=year)
336. A deacon must be a one-wifed man.
chish jon diyaknan ste bwi bukhi maratsi vretra.
(diyaknen=deacon; bukhi=once; maratsi=wifed)
337. This hero figures hugely in our people's ancient legends.
sin emanniz lishog mizkis isa plu luktaksa amnrazn ste yavkris.
(emanniz=hero; lishog=to figure, play a role; mizkis=huge[ly]; amnra=legend; yavkris=ancient)
338. You have to shorten this.
chish kra ste mnr'kev sif.
339. You look like my father! ka prafzhi k'mar blu pitra!
(praf=look [like])
340. The angel appeared before me.
to gweltiz zhun kwispala sherev bro.
341. He is my opponent but he is not my enemy.
bwid blu nami gela-n ea bwi blu vargov.
(nami=opponent; vargov=enemy)
342. When is his arrival? k'fen dlu low'tva?
(k'fen=when; low'tva=arrival)
343. I am going to travel. bo sentzhi ste hal.
(sent=be going to, head for, aim at; hal=travel)
344. I am heading for the city. bo sentzhi ites to karha.
345. They got engaged when they were having tea.
345. They got engaged when they were having tea.
ti zhun enzrizha sur shan choyorzhi.
(enzri=to get engaged, become betrothed; choyor=to have tea, to "tea")
346. The self-existent ultimacy of God is the all-defining origin of all things.
to edwoksa b'naso bwi to ratov ik salorr rudurzn.
(b'naso=the silent, still, unmovable, unfathomable center and source of everything, unchangeable and impassible; ratov=intrinsic, inherent or underlying pattern, schema, order; a pervasive motif; an all-defining or all="coloring" starting point, conceptual point of departure or basis)
347. He has put the animals in place.
di zhun kosszhu tots n'vozn.
(koss=to put or set in order, arrange, put in place, arrange properly)
348. He was starting to tear up when I was telling him about the animals that were in the fire.
di shan ochirzhe sur bo shan dol dri da tots n'vozn gu bwi isa to kayur.
(ochir=to tear, tear up; kayur=fire [catastrophic])
348. He was starting to tear up when I was telling him about the animals that were in the fire.
di shan ochirzhe sur bo shan dol dri da tots n'vozn gu bwi isa to kayur.
(ochir=to tear, tear up; kayur=fire [catastrophic])
349. It seems to me she thinks very foreignly.
fe kwispala bro di mnrazhi dovrenstulaf menk.
(kwispala=to seem; mnra=to think; dovrenstulaf=foreign[ly])
350. In Paris I saw the Mona Lisa and can tell you it is stunning.
isa paris bo shun widzho to mona liza zhef m'gla ste dol kra fe bwi sh'kris.
(paris=Paris; sh'kris=enchanting, breathtaking, stunning, splendid, beautiful)
351. I will have to finish that on Monday.
351. I will have to finish that on Monday.
bo kapo ste towu taf ina luks'yun.
(kapo=have, future tense; towu=finish; luks'yun=Monday)
[NOTE: the Vayoti verb "to have", in all three of its forms--present, past and future--fulfills the same function as English "to have" when placed in front of a second verb, i.e., it expresses obligation.]
352. This was the most wonderful day in my life.
352. This was the most wonderful day in my life.
sif fwi to d'yun ste pliz hintvasek isa blu gwevanta.
(pliz=more, most; hintvasek=wonderful; gwevanta=life)
353. You have such a beautiful pair of eyes.
ka falzho jon wokznur ste pikalasek so.
(fal-have; wok=eye; -znur indicates "pair of"; pikalasek=beautiful)
354. He takes bribes. di no'yt'nemzhi.
354. He takes bribes. di no'yt'nemzhi.
(no'yt'nem=bribe [transitive, with –zho], take bribes [intransitive, with –zhi])
355. Welcome! trabedtu!
355. Welcome! trabedtu!
(trabedtu=from verb "trabed", to greet, welcome; literally, "welcomed!" or "greeted!")
356. multi-celled
356. multi-celled
manga ste keliztsi
(keliztsi=celled, from keliz/cell)
357. red-blooded
rodi ste ruffrutsi
(rodi=red; ruffrutsi=blooded, from ruffru/blood)
358. Forget (about) it.
gn'tuz fre.
(gn'tuz=forget [intentionally, wipe from memory])
358. Forget (about) it.
gn'tuz fre.
(gn'tuz=forget [intentionally, wipe from memory])
What do you mean?
fat ka berrow'tzho?
I mean it!
bo berrow'tzho fre!
I don't know what this word means.
bo-n ea gnozhi fat sif malva berrow'tzho.
What's all this stuff?
fat salorr sif hule?
What is the matter?
fat to hule?
All the universe contains some kind of matter.
salorr to salrrim hakrizho hule shtiz fat.
(salrrim=universe; hakri=contain; hule=stuff; shtiz fat=some kind of [placed after modified noun])
He loves himself. (3 versions)
di prigarzha. [using reflexive ending –zha]
di prigarzhaps. [using reflexive –zha plus personal intensifier –ps]
di prigarzho (slu) pswen. [slu=his, optional; He loves "his own self"; note the transitive -zho]
362. Every person is a self.
gasht nikh bwi jon pswen.
(pswen=self, one's own being)
363. He failed to tell me about the insects in the tugboat.
363. He failed to tell me about the insects in the tugboat.
di zhun ash'k'volzhi ste dol bro da tots tsizzn isa to magiz.
(ash'k'vol=fail, neglect, forget; tsiz=insect; magiz=tugboat)
364. They failed to infiltrate the Moscow metropolis ("the Muscovite metropolis")
ti zhun kemzhi ste zhotrob ilu to moskvakiri mitkahar.
(kem=fail, not succeed; zhotrob [ilu]=infiltrate; moskvakiri=Muscovite; mitkahar=metropolis)
365. a three-headed dragon
jon drigma dus ste keftsi
(drigma=dragon; dus=three; keftsi=headed)
366. I misunderstood him.
bo mel zhun yamumnezho dri.
(mel=negative particle, before verb, i.e., "mis-"; yamumne=understand)
367. This was a bad choice.
sif fwi jon chukhnonta ste mel.
(chukhnonta=choice; mel=wrong)
368. The sun was shining very brightly.
to swelen shan chelaganzhi avz menk.
(swelen=sun; chelagan=shine; avz=bright[-ly])
369. You mustn't gloat; you betray your egoism.
banchish kra ste gizun supri; ka rizunzho slu shereven
(gizun [supri]=gloat; rizun=betray, give away; slu=one's [general possessive relevant to the grammatical subject]; shereven=egoism, arrogance, ambitiousness)
370. He was being freakishly silent.
di shan tishtala hogwolaf.
(tishtala-to be silent; hogwolaf=freakishly)
371. the waves and tides of time
tots turksa valkazn zhef t'venamzn
(tur=time; -ksa=possessive suffix; valka=wave; t'venam=tide)
372. God possesses all authority
edwo e'w'la salorr horval
(e'w'la=possess; horval=authority)
373. little by little [lit. "bit after bit"]
kweshen tanur kweshen
(kweshen=bit; tanur=after)
374. I intend to invite all my friends to my house tomorrow.
bo tisagzhi ste jifam salorr slu prizn ites slu dam merad'yun.
(tisag=intend; jifam=invite; merad'yun=tomorrow)
375. I'll finish you off!
bo zwe anterzho kra!
(anter=to end, bring an end to)
376. such children (i.e., "as these")
sintsso fidtazn
(sints=these; -so="such")
377. such children (i.e., "as those")
tantsso fidtazn
(tants=those; -so="such")
(ku=who?; id=from, out of)
380. He was spiritedly sweeping up the room.
378. Neither Grandma nor Grandpa will come today.
mi snema zhmi snepa tarr sijun.
(mi…zhmi…=neither…nor…; snema=Grandma; snepa=Grandpa)
379. Which of your two brothers has taken my jewels?
ku id klu kus bratrazn zhun nemzhu blu gipamzn?
380. He was spiritedly sweeping up the room.
di shan feyaltsi esfib past to dakitse.
(feyaltsi=spirited(ly); esfib=to sweep; past=perfectivizing participle [thoroughly, "up"])
381. I don't want to dispute with you, but all the survivors wanted the stimulant.
bo-n ea votelzhi ste m'loli kom kra, gela salorr tots biyeltizzn shan votelzho to parashel.
(m'loli=to dispute; biyeltiz=survivor; parashel=stimulant)
382. When the night comes (will come), it will be dark. Come to Him while you have the Gospel's light.
sur to nesht tarr, fasre drokis. gweam ites dri t'rur ka falzho to gwelbelksa fa'y'lis.
381. I don't want to dispute with you, but all the survivors wanted the stimulant.
bo-n ea votelzhi ste m'loli kom kra, gela salorr tots biyeltizzn shan votelzho to parashel.
(m'loli=to dispute; biyeltiz=survivor; parashel=stimulant)
382. When the night comes (will come), it will be dark. Come to Him while you have the Gospel's light.
sur to nesht tarr, fasre drokis. gweam ites dri t'rur ka falzho to gwelbelksa fa'y'lis.
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