Friday, February 16, 2018

Sentences (149-175)

149. All humanity's sins were on Jesus on the cross. 
salorr  khizneyotiksa  bwirkhzn  fwiv  ina  yeshwa  ina  to  kaliz.
(khizneyoti=humanity; bwirkh=sin; kaliz=cross)

150. By dying, Jesus defeated evil.  par  tsev,  yeshwa  zhun  patizho  duwiz.
(par=by; tsev=die, dying; pati=defeat; duwiz=evil)

151. I see a bear in your future.  bo widzho  jon  wirkto  isa  klu  wirdo.
(wid=see; wirkto=bear; wirdo=future)

152. I was thinking about you and remembered the day we went to the lake.
bo  shan  mnrazhi  da  kra  zhef  zhun  mnrazho  to  d'yun  po  elel  ites  to  laku.
(mnra=think [with aspectual suffix -zhi], remember [with aspectual suffix -zho]; d'yun=day; laku=lake)

153. He was moving and talking and drinking.  di  shan hagzhi  zhef  vazhi  zhef  payozhi.

154. Since you came, all is good.  deg  ka  atean,  salorr  bel.
(deg=since [with reference to time]; atean=came; bel=good)

155. Since you came, we can begin.  o  ka  atean,  po  m'gla  ste  mahiro.
(o=since [with reference to logical premise]; m'gla=to be able, can; mahiro=begin)

156. As the head of this family (as this family's head), I will make the decisions.
o sif  komnrikksa  kef, bo  agu  tots  chukhnontazn.
(komnrik=family; chukhnonta=decision)

157. She forgave him (for) a lot.  di  zhun  mahafzho  manga  dri.
(mahaf=forgive; manga=much [quantity])

158. She very much (i.e., strongly, deeply) forgave him.  di  zhun  mahafzho  dri  menk.
(menk=much, very much [qualitatively])

159. Where are they? They are away?  fur ti?  bwit vekh.
(fur=where; vekh=away)

160. Have (some) humanity!  fal khizneyoti!

161. We are loved by God.  bwip  prigartu  ipra  edwo.
(prigartu=loved; ipra=by [indicating agent])

162. I have communicated to him you don't want to travel with him.
bo  zhun  gwelzhu  dri  ka-n ea votelzhi  ste  hal  komdri.
(gwel=communicate, convey [information]; votel=want; hal=travel; komdri=with him/her)

163. I insist that you take the gold.  bo  ruderzhi  iteste  hapish  ka  to  avra.
(ruder=insist, emphasize; hapish=take; avra=gold)
Note: the grammatical formulation iteste+verb+noun/pronoun serves as the subjunctive in Vayoti. In this construction the verb takes no suffixes.

164. I want to emphasize (that) each person is free to come or go.
bo  votelzhi  ste  ruder,  gasht  nikh  bwid  serkis  ste  gweam  op  g'hal
(serkis=free; gweam=come; g'hal=go)

165. He's the kind of person you'd like to know.  bwid to nikh  shtiz  ka  zesh votelzhi  ste  gno. 

166. Joseph of Arimathea took the body of Jesus. yosef  id  r'matazn  zhun  hapishzho  yeshwaksa  tomen.
(id=from; tomen=body)

167. I saw him walking towards me.  bo  zhun  widzho  dri  igge  pent  ites  bro.
(igge=indicates "at/in the process of" relative to a verb. i.e., "I saw him 'at walking' towards me; pent=walk)

168. Was it you I heard speaking with the children?  prechi  fwif  kra  bo  zhun  klisnezho  igge  va  kom  tots  fidtazn?

169. You promised me you would never give a thing to the monarch without my consent.
ka  zhun  bokhzhi  bro  ka-n  ea  k'fen  zesh  dozho  rudur  ites to  horiz  ban blu  ow'kva.
(bokh=promise; rudur=thing; horiz=monarch; ow'kva=consent)

170. The bear is dancing.  to wirkto  fodisuzhi.  (fodisu=dance)

171. Look! It's the dancing bear!  uvli!  bwif  to  wirkto  ste  fodisuzhi! 
(Note: ste, placed before a verb in the indicative, turns that verb into an adjectival participle)

172. It is the bear that is dancing.  bwif  to  wirkto  gu  fodisuzhi.
(gu=that, relative to the grammatical subject)

173. Do you see the bear dancing?  prech  ka  widzho  to  wirkto  igge  fodisu?
(prech=alternate form of prechi)

174.  I bought it for myself.  bo  zhun  kafnazho  fre  fi  pswen.
(kafna=buy; fi=for; pswen=self)

175. We fearfully entered the cold murky water. 
po  zhun  gridzhi  dweyursek  itsa  to  widur  ste  gilkis  merchenlaf. 
(dweyursek=fearful[ly]; itsa=into; widur=water; gilkis=cold; merchenlaf=murky)
Note: in Vayoti, adjectives come after the nouns they modify, preceded by ste, and no matter how many adjectives are applied to a single noun, the word "and" is not interposed. Thus, a Vayoti phrase could read like "the house [ste] big brown old dilapidated scary". Note also that in Vayoti modifiers function as either adjectives or adverbs; when they function as adverbs they follow the verb, adjective or other adverb they modify without any intervening ste.

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