96. Why have you distanced yourself from me?
f'yu ka zhun vekherzha id bro? ("id" can be alternatively "ida")
97. the waves and tides of time
tots turksa valkazn zhef t'venamzn (tide=t'venam; wave=valka; time=tur; -ksa=poss.suffix)
98. The ancient emperors had great force and fundamental power.
tots s'doksrizzn ste yavkris shan e'w'la ival virkam ste barkis zhef horval ste vudkis.
(e'w'la=to intrinsically possess, be endowed with--this verb takes the preposition ival)
99. There are people who show resistance to change.
ye khizne gu dwekzho gizhdava ik pahiva.
100. I am so sorry you won't be able to drop in on me tomorrow.
bo dukhala so ka-n ea zwe m'gla ste vishab bro merad'yun.
101. I have come so that they [might] have life, and have it abundantly.
bo ateanzhu iteste fal ti gwevanta zhef fal fre ashchentisek.
102. For God so loved the world, He gave His only-begotten Son, so that anybody that believes in Him would never perish but have eternal life.
gar edwo zhun prigarzho so to sa'y'dov, di zhun dozho slu bus davelutu shuntra, iteste opkan gu beda isa dri-n ea kfen zesh b'vezzhi gela kapo gwevanta ste ayu.
103. The spirits of the ancient elves live in the flowers of the beech trees.
tots evlenznksa ste yavkris feyalzn gwev isa tots il'n'durznksa lofurzn.
104. An alternative rendering of the phrase "the spirits of the ancient elves", using gu:
tots feyalzn gu tots evlenznksa ste yavkris\
105. Such shapes [as these] are characteristic of ghosts.
siftsso dwelizn ala ik murzn.
106. contrast "those children" with "such children as that"
tants fidtazn
tantsso fidtazn
107. contrast "these children" with "such children as these"
sints fidtazn
sintsso fidtazn
108. Such animals [as these] are typical of this place.
sintsso n'vozzn ala ik sif shtam.
109. Due to his lack of maturity, all of his knowledge has not become wisdom.
dlu atalyoti manksam-n'gar, salorr dlu gnova-n ea zhun wirtla edur.
(atalyoti=maturity; manksam=lack; n'gar=because of, on account of; gnova-knowledge; wirtla=become; edur=wisdom; note that "lack of maturity" in Vayoti is a "maturity lack," and the concept "due to his lack of maturity" is formulated in Vayoti as "his maturity lack due-to")
110. I am lacking enough strength to climb higher.
zuwal satiz manksala bro iteste erefo pliz harsek.
(zuwal=strength; satiz=enough; manksala=to lack [impers.]; erefo=climb; pliz=more; harsek=high)
111. Jesus Christ is the whole world's Savior.
yeshwa khristu bwi salorr to sa'y'dovksa bisnur.
112. Without Christ's salvation, we would all be without hope.
ban khristuksa bisva, pazhwe salorr ban pidokhva.
113. I don't enjoy her cooking but tolerate it.
bo-n ea brogzho dlu cherurva gela brukzho fre.
114. What our weakness couldn't do, Christ's strength did for us all.
fat plu uslag-n ea zhun m'gla ste magu, khristuksa zuwal danu fi pro salorr.
115. All the flowers are in full bloom.
salorr tots lofurzn bwit isa taltse ste plerkis.
116. I sealed the door intentionally so as to not allow the animals to enter.
bo zhun reg'yazho emnritskis to duravam itspanste yasuve tots n'vozzn ste grid.
(reg'ya=seal; emnritskis=intentionally; duravam=door; itspanste=so as not to; yasuve=allow; grid=enter)
117. The explorer said, "I have a lust for exploration!"
to sodtiz zhun spelzhi gdi bo fal jon druvam ik sodva!
(sodtiz=explorer; spel=say; gdi=direct speech marker; druvam=lust; ik=concerning; with respect to; sodva-exploration)
118. Having subdued all the then-known world, Alexander the Great said, "Now what?"
zhdupati salorr to tafur-gnotu sa'y'dov, aleksandros to barkis zhun spelzhi gdi, fat odnur?
119. This wine's flavor has an exquisite sophistication that surpasses description.
sif meffenksa gus'yur fal jon deskiz ste ardrikris gu sarrazzho widalva.
(meffen=wine; gus'yur=taste, flavor; deskiz=sophistication; ardrikris=exquisite; sarraz=surpass; widalva=description)
120. In spite of the fact that he is a very methodical man, there are methodological weaknesses in his work.
ifik di bwi jon vretra ste rekhodlaf menk, ye uslagzn ste rekhodsek isa dlu dromanta.
(ifik=despite, in spite of, despite the fact that; vretra=man; rekhodlaf=methodical; rekhodsek=methodological; dromanta=work)
121. No matter how far we must go, we will continue to go forward.
mi hule kits parru chish pro ste g'hal, po swi tinati ste g'hal agiv.
(mi hule=no matter; parru=far; chish=must [impers.]; tinati=continue; agiv=forward)
122. And if we don't reach our goal, at least we will precede others who will be able to surpass us.
zhef ba'y' po-n ea zwe nokekozho plu antna, ipra m'yen po zwe sherverzho alnazn gu zwe m'gla ste sarraz pro.
(ba'y'=if; nokeko=reach; antna=goal; ipra m'yen=at least, in any case; sherver=precede; alnazn=others)
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