Sunday, February 18, 2018

Sentences (201-215)

201. Close the door, please.  dun  to  duravam, telbel.  

202. I love foreign foods.  bo  prigarzho  p'dadzn  ste  dovrenstulaf.  

203. Are you a foreigner?  prechi  ka  dovrenstu?  

204.  It seems to me she thinks very foreignly. 
fe  kwispala  bro  di  mnrazhi  dovrenstulaf  menk. 
(kwispala=to seem)

205. When we were in the forest, we heard the thunder thundering. 
sur  fwip  isa  to  dwarviz,  po  zhun  klisnezho  to   stenur  ige  stenur
(sur=when; dwarviz=forest; stenur=thunder/to thunder)

206. That sounds like a very good idea! 
taf  swantizhi  k'mar  jon  mnrava  ste  bel  menk. 
(swanti=to sound; mnrava=idea)

207. The sky was getting dark.  to  awettam  shan  wirtla  drokis. 
(awettam=sky; wirtla=become; drokis=dark)

208. Look at them! They're talking with foreigners! 
uvli  tri!  ti  kamavizhi  kom  dovrenstuzn! 
(uvlli=look; kamavi=converse, talk; dovrenstu=foreigner)

209. The leader summoned his band and said, "Let's go!" 
to  perrtiz  zhun  sprekzho  slu  apel'ya  zhef  spelzhi gdi, g'hal  po!
(perrtiz=leader; sprek=summon; apel'ya=band) 

210. He said such a bad word, I couldn't believe it. It's true! 
di  zhun  spelzho  jon  malva  ste  rukhen  so,  bo-n  ea  zhun  m'gla  ste  beda  fre.  fe  frulaf! 
(rukhen=bad; frulaf=true, truly)

211. All the people of the earth (the earth's people) must hear the message of (about) Jesus Christ. 
chish  salorr  tots  hizhamenksa  khizne  ste  klisne  to gwelyoti  da  yeshwa  khristu
(hizhamen=earth; gwelyoti=message)

212. Look! I have had enough of your complaining!  
uvli!  bo  imtzhu  klu  glorrngova  batswap
(imt=have, past tense; glorrngova=complaining [from glorrngo=complain]; batswap=enough [negative connotation])

213. I promise you, all the complaints will be heard. 
bo  bokhzhi  kra,  salorr  tots  glorrngantazn  vasre  klisnetu. 
(glorrnganta=complaint; vasre=will be, third person plural inanimate)

214. He was feeling sick ("ailed") in the morning, but I think he feels well now. Ah, look! Here he comes now! 
di  shan  tankzhi  hakhtu  fajunur,  gela  bo  mnrazhi, di  tankzhi  bel  odnur.  a, uvli,  shir  di gweam  oshur. 
(tank=feel; hakh=to ail, be sick, plus passive suffix -tu; fajunur=morning, in the morning; odnur=now, as opposed to then; oshur=now, right now)

215. He lives very "worldlily".   di gwevzhi  s'yadvesek  menk.  
(gwev=live; s'yadvesek=secular[ly], worldly)

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