Monday, February 19, 2018

Sentences (216-245)

216. I very happily (gladly) embrace all your ideas!
bo  hapishzho  fwetlasek   menk  salorr  klu  mnravazn.
(fwetlasak=happy, glad)

217. Look, I got this spoon from my uncle.  uvli,  bo zhun  geznzho  sif  sfen  id  blu  dritra. 

218. Bring this into that house, quickly!  berr  sif  itsa  taf  dam, tap!
(berr=bring; tap=quickly)

219. I see you got (acquired, bought) a new book. 
bo  widzhi, ka  zhun  hognanzho  jon  vigov  ste  kenkis.
(hognan-get, acquire; kenkis=new)

220. We believe in the universality of Christ's call (summons). (i.e., in Christ's call's universality)
po  bedazhi  isa  khristuksa  sprekvaksa  salrrimlafyoti. 
(sprekva=call; salrrimlafyoti=universality)

221. He shook (trembled) with (from) ecstasy.  di  zhun  hrovzhi  kom (or, id) hristlava.
(hrov=shake, tremble; hristlava=ecstasy)

222.  You look like my father!  ka  prafzhi  k'mar  blu  pitra!
(praf=look, appear; k'mar=like)

223. The angel appeared before us.  to  gweltiz  zhun  kwispa sherev  pro.
(gweltiz=angel; kwispa=appear; sherev=before, in front of)

224. While you are a very good person, you are a very bad architect.
opid  ka  bwik  jon  nikh  ste  bel  menk, bwik  jon  charetnur  ste  rukhen  menk.
(opid=while [logical premise]; charetnur=architect)

225. "Is she coming in spring or summer?"
prechi  di  gweam  isa  apur  op  ogov?
"No, she's coming in winter."
ea,  di  gweam  isa  zhemnra.
"In winter? Oy, that's bad, very bad."
isa zhemnra? okh,  taf  rukhen, rukhen  menk.
(apur=spring; ogov=summer; zhemnra=winter)

226. When the night comes, it will be dark.  sur  to  nesht  tarr,  fasre  drokis.
(sur=when; nesht=night; tarr=will come; fasre=will be)

227.  Come to him while you have the Gospel's light.
gweam  ites  dri  t'rur  ka  falzho  to  gwelbelksa  falise.
(t'rur=while [with reference to time]; fal=have [pres. tense]; gwelbel=Gospel; falise=light)

228. All the universe contains some kind of matter.  salorr to  salrrim  hakrizho  hule  shtiz  fat.
(salrrim=universe; hakri=contain; hule=matter; shtiz fat="of some kind; some sort of")

229. You must choose for (your)self.  chish kra  ste  japfo  fi  (klu, slu) pswen.

230. "Well then, tell me, when is the meeting?" "[It was] said to me, the day after tomorrow."
bel, dol  bro,  k'fen  to  ksur?  speltu  bro,  d'yunznur  apo.
(d'yun=day; -znur=pair of; d'yunznur=a pair of days; apo=off, away [thus, d'yunznur apo means "a pair of days off")

231. I have acquired the most wonderful jewel under the sun.
bo  zhun  hognanzho  to  gipam  ste  pliz  hintsek  ifwed  to swelen
(gipam=jewel; pliz=most; ifwed=under; swelen=sun)

232. I've been given an indication (visual sign)  (that) the place is full.
dotu  bro  jon  ow'kur  to  shtam  bwif  plerkis. 
(do=give; dotu=given; ow'kur=visual indication; shtam=place)

233. Uh, huh. Well, I've been given an indication from (or, by) the governor (that) there is definitely room in the place for me.
a-hn!  avordotu  bro-che  jon  ow'tur  id  (ipra)  to  hinstiz  ye  gduyima  rumam  isa  to shtam  fi bro.
(che-emphatic particle; hinstiz=governor; gduyima=definitely; ruman=room, space)

234. Is there any room in the room?  prechi  ye  rumam  isa  to  dakitse?
(dakitse=room [of a building])

235.  If a thing is not made of (from) matter, how can we call it an object?
ba'y'  jon  rudur-n  ea  bwi  kwerrtu  id  hule,  kits  po  m'gla  sta  spel  fre  jon  nadlur?
(kwerr=create; kits=how; nadlur=object)

236. Two days ago (A pair of days ago) I saw him and he told me about your difficulties.
d'yunznur  apo  bo  zhun  widzho  dri  zhef  di  zhun  dol bro  da  klu  strovurzn.

237. They robbed me of all my jewels!  ti  zhun  gad  bro  apo  salorr  blu  gipamzn.
(gad=rob, steal)

238. You are our most-honored monarch!
hika  bwik  hiplu-che  horiz  ste  pliz  etu!
(hika=a grandiloquent, flowery form of ka; hiplu=likewise, a highly elevated, poetic form of plu; -che=emphatic particle; etu=from verb e, to honor, esteem, revere)

Note: the prefix hi- is used with pronouns either to add grandiloquence, or at times simply to make a phrase more easily pronounceable.

239.  And also the monarch your spouse, likewise!
zhefts-che  to horiz  hiklu  snov  vis!
(zhefts=also; hiklu=elevated form of klu; snov=spouse; vis=likewise)

240. Who are you? kan ka bwik? or,  kan hika? or,  kan ka?  or,  ka kan? or, kan bwik?

241. What happened? Where am I?  Who am I?
fat  zhun  korzhi?  fur  bo?  kan-che  bo?
(fat=what; kor=happen; fur=where)

242. They brought (led) the thief before the governor in chains.
ti  zhun  perrzho  to  klortiz  sherev  to hinstiz  isa  shaltnazn. 
(perr=bring, lead; klortiz=thief; shaltna=chain)

243. You have a very beautiful coat on.  ka  falzho  jon  hama  ste  pikala  menk  ival.
(hama=coat; pikala=to be beautiful [used adjectivally with ste]; ival=on)
Note that some grammatical/idiomatic formulations in Vayoti very much resemble English, in this case the fact that one can say "to have a piece of clothing on", with "on" at the end of the formulation.

244. Can you tell me what this word means? prechi  ka  m'gla  ste  dol  bro  fat  sif  malva  berrow'tzho?

245. You can "love" ice cream but you can't love it!
ka  m'gla  ste  ama  mepprus  gela  ka-n  ea  m'gla  ste  prigar  fre!
(ama=to like a lot, "love", greatly enjoy; mepprus=ice cream)

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